Thursday, March 25, 2010
Links -- Natural Disaster
Ten Deadliest Natural Disasters
Feature articles on natural disasters: http://www.naturalnews.com/natural_disasters.html
Natural Disasters Up More Than 400 Percent in Two Decades
6/5/2008 - (NaturalNews) The number of natural disasters around the world has increased by more than four times in the last 20 years, according to a report released by the British charity Oxfam. Oxfam analyzed data from the Red Cross, United Nations and researchers...
Earthquake and Cyclone Victims: How Can We Help End Suffering Now and In the Future?
5/16/2008 - (NaturalNews) I've struggled all week with the question of how I can best help the victims of the recent natural disasters that have devastated populations in China and Myanmar. It is not a simple matter to ponder. How can people in North America (or...
How to better prepare yourself and your family against climate change, natural disasters and the post-oil economy (opinion)
7/20/2007 - I've been a proponent of personal preparedness for many years. "Preparedness" simply means having some backup supplies on hand to help you get through unexpected events or hard times, and over the last decade, we've seen numerous examples of why preparedness...
BetterLifeGoods.com introduces a travel safety tool with LED light, radio, cell phone charger, seatbelt cutter, glass break and more
6/22/2007 - Unlike most of our product reviews, this one isn't about your health or nutrition. It's about your personal safety. Better Life Goods (a company I own, see full disclosure below) has just finished a large production run on an new, unique safety and preparedness...
Humanity cannot live without nature, but nature can live without humanity
1/23/2005 - Just after Christmas Day, 2004, the Earth experienced one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history (a 9.0) under the waters of the Indian Ocean. We also witnessed a barrage of unusual hurricanes during the summer of 2004 off the coast of Florida...
Feature articles on natural disasters: http://www.naturalnews.com/natural_disasters.html
Natural Disasters Up More Than 400 Percent in Two Decades
6/5/2008 - (NaturalNews) The number of natural disasters around the world has increased by more than four times in the last 20 years, according to a report released by the British charity Oxfam. Oxfam analyzed data from the Red Cross, United Nations and researchers...
Earthquake and Cyclone Victims: How Can We Help End Suffering Now and In the Future?
5/16/2008 - (NaturalNews) I've struggled all week with the question of how I can best help the victims of the recent natural disasters that have devastated populations in China and Myanmar. It is not a simple matter to ponder. How can people in North America (or...
How to better prepare yourself and your family against climate change, natural disasters and the post-oil economy (opinion)
7/20/2007 - I've been a proponent of personal preparedness for many years. "Preparedness" simply means having some backup supplies on hand to help you get through unexpected events or hard times, and over the last decade, we've seen numerous examples of why preparedness...
BetterLifeGoods.com introduces a travel safety tool with LED light, radio, cell phone charger, seatbelt cutter, glass break and more
6/22/2007 - Unlike most of our product reviews, this one isn't about your health or nutrition. It's about your personal safety. Better Life Goods (a company I own, see full disclosure below) has just finished a large production run on an new, unique safety and preparedness...
Humanity cannot live without nature, but nature can live without humanity
1/23/2005 - Just after Christmas Day, 2004, the Earth experienced one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history (a 9.0) under the waters of the Indian Ocean. We also witnessed a barrage of unusual hurricanes during the summer of 2004 off the coast of Florida...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Speed Reading Link
A tip on chunk size - look into setting the window width and font size accordingly. You'll want to be able to process a chunk in one eyeful, which means you won't want to have a 5 word chunk scroll across the entire screen, but rather in a tight little paragraph at the center of the screen.
Spreeder is an online speed reading utility to help train you to read faster. It does this by flashing words at a rapid rate, which helps in three ways:- Reduce subvocalization
- Increase chunk comprehension
- Eliminate backreading
Training Strategies
There are quite a few settings you can play around with to optimize your reading, but the two most important are the wpm and chunk size.1. Increase wpm
When training, set the wpm to multiples of what you're comfortable reading at. For example, if you achieve 100% comprehension at 300wpm, try setting the wpm to 900wpm. Run through some text, and see how much you can absorb. Try this a couple times, making sure to really concentrate on the text that is flying by. Now reduce the wpm rate to 600wpm, and 400wpm. Chances are at the end of this activity, 300wpm will start to feel "slow", and you'll start comprehending at higher wpm's.2. Increase chunk size
Once you start maxing out on how fast you can go in wpm's, another variable you'll want to toggle is the chunk size. Chunk size is the number of words that are flashed at a given time. Doubling the chunk size (i.e going from 1 to 2) will effectively halve the rate at which words are flashed, since you're showing twice as many words at once.A tip on chunk size - look into setting the window width and font size accordingly. You'll want to be able to process a chunk in one eyeful, which means you won't want to have a 5 word chunk scroll across the entire screen, but rather in a tight little paragraph at the center of the screen.
Reading Comprehension Strategies
- ABC Brainstorm
- [ instructions | print chart ]
- brainstorming activity, using letters of the alphabet
- Carousel Brainstorming
- [ instructions ]
- brainstorm similar to graffiti strategy
- Clock Buddies
- [ instructions | print chart ]
- a quick partnering system
- Column Notes
- [ instructions ]
- a learning guide arranged in columns
- Comparison-Contrast Charts
- [ instructions | print chart ]
- often found in graphic organizer form, a chart for comparing two concepts by looking at the ways they are similar and how they are different
- Concept of Definition Map
- [ instructions | print map ]
- a visually organized word chart for expanding the concept of meaning and enriching one's understanding of an unfamiliar term
- Graphic Organizers
- [ instructions ]
- visual organization of information, whether for levels of information, sequence or ordering, or relationships; often called concept maps, webs, clusters, or pictorial organizers
- History Frames/Story Maps
- [ instructions | print history frame | print story map | print story pyramid | print character/plot chart | print cross-disciplinary applications ]
- based on the story maps that many students already use in English and Language Arts, the history frame is a graphic organizer that looks at key actors, time & place of events, problem or goal, key events, outcome, and larger relevance
- Inquiry Chart
- [ instructions | print chart ]
- a variation of column notes and learning guides, inquiry charts are used specifically to generate questions whose answers will come from combing through a variety of sources
- K - W - L
- [ instructions | print K-W-L chart | print modified K-W-L chart ]
- a three-column chart for approaching new content and actively engaging in it; contains components for before, during, and after reading activity
- Opinion-Proof
- [ instructions | print chart ]
- a two-column chart where students seek to provide support or evidence from the content to bolster an opinion they have put forward
- Power Thinking
- [ instructions ]
- an alternative system of outlining, power thinking involves assigning "Power" levels to information according to whether it is a main idea, subtopic, or detail
- Problem-Solution Chart
- [ instructions | print chart ]
- a two-column chart that is especially helpful for looking at cause and effect; its components invite students to consider consequences, causes, and solutions of problems
- Question-Answer Relationships
- [ instructions | print chart | print QAR concept map ]
- an strategy for understanding different levels of questions, from simple recall to more complex, and for recognizing the nature of given questions so that it is better understood what kind of answer is called for
- Questioning the Author
- [ instructions ]
- a protocol of questions for examining how clearly an author has communicated his or her ideas
- Pattern Puzzles (a/k/a Mystery Pot)
- [ instructions ]
- a sorting and manipulation activity for looking at the organization of ideas
- RAFT Papers
- [ instructions | print blank form ]
- a framework for approaching writing that can be especially good for encouraging expressions of empathy and understanding of another's perspective
- Reciprocal Teaching
- [ instructions ]
- a constructed activity for students to collaborate in understanding a selection of content (can also be done individually); students take on roles as Summarizer, Questioner, Clarifier, or Predictor
- Selective Underlining/Highlighting
- [ instructions ]
- emphasis on the word "selective"; a means for students to read for key ideas, essential vocabulary, cause and effect, etc.
- Semantic Feature Analysis
- [ instructions ]
- an attribute analysis tool; students can compare different ideas, concepts, people, events, etc. against a cross-referenced set of criteria
- Story Maps
- same as history frames; see above
- Summarizing
- [ instructions | print Sum It Up sheet | print Sum It Up directions | lesson closure framed paragraph ]
- a strategy for developing coherent but brief expressions of larger ideas by focusing on key words and main ideas; included are suggestions for various ways to teach summarizing, including an activity called Sum It Up
- Thesis-Proof
- [ instructions | print chart | print pro/con chart ]
- a variation of two-column charts where students use key ideas in their content to support a thesis; excellent for pre-writing
- Think-Pair-Share
- [ instructions ]
- a cooperative and structured discussion strategy
- Three-Minute Pause
- [ instructions | print overhead master ]
- a structured pause; a comprehension check
- 3 - 2 - 1
- [ instructions | print 3-2-1 master ]
- good quick strategy for summarizing and questioning
- Venn Diagrams
- [ instructions | Venn Diagram for 2 | Venn Diagram for 3 | Venn Diagram w/Summary | Venn Variations ]
- the most common charts for looking at similarities and differences
- Word Map
- [ instructions | print map v.1 | print map v.2 ]
- a vocabulary strategy for visually mapping associations of meaning for a new term
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Workaholic Questions
Twenty Questions: How Do I Know If I'm A Workaholic?
- Do you get more excited about your work than about family or anything else?
- Are there times when you can charge through your work and other times when you can't?
- Do you take work with you to bed? On weekends? On vacation?
- Is work the activity you like to do best and talk about most?
- Do you work more than 40 hours a week?
- Do you turn your hobbies into money-making ventures?
- Do you take complete responsibility for the outcome of your work efforts?
- Have your family or friends given up expecting you on time?
- Do you take on extra work because you are concerned that it won't otherwise get done?
- Do you underestimate how long a project will take and then rush to complete it?
- Do you believe that it is okay to work long hours if you love what you are doing?
- Do you get impatient with people who have other priorities besides work?
- Are you afraid that if you don't work hard you will lose your job or be a failure?
- Is the future a constant worry for you even when things are going very well?
- Do you do things energetically and competitively including play?
- Do you get irritated when people ask you to stop doing your work in order to do something else?
- Have your long hours hurt your family or other relationships?
- Do you think about your work while driving, falling asleep or when others are talking?
- Do you work or read during meals?
- Do you believe that more money will solve the other problems in your life?
If you answer "yes" to three or more of these questions you may be a workaholic. Relax. You are not alone. Many have found recovery through the tools of this fellowship.
Appears as pages 4-5 in the W.A. Book of Recovery.This literature is also available as a downloadable file (in PDF)Saturday, February 13, 2010
How to Improve Reading Comprehension
How to Improve Reading Comprehension
Key Point
Good reading means building frameworks for connecting words to thoughts.
The Purpose of Reading.
The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what you already know. If you don't know anything about a subject, then pouring words of text into your mind is like pouring water into your hand. You don't retain much. For example, try reading these numbers:
7516324 This is hard to read and remember.
751-6324 This is easier because of chunking.
123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure.
Similarly, if you like sports, then reading the sports page is easy. You have a framework in your mind for reading, understanding and storing information.
Improving Comprehension.
Reading comprehension requires motivation, mental frameworks for holding ideas, concentration and good study techniques. Here are some suggestions.
Develop a broad background.
Broaden your background knowledge by reading newspapers, magazines and books. Become interested in world events.
Know the structure of paragraphs.
Good writers construct paragraphs that have a beginning, middle and end. Often, the first sentence will give an overview that helps provide a framework for adding details. Also, look for transitional words, phrases or paragraphs that change the topic.
Identify the type of reasoning.
Does the author use cause and effect reasoning, hypothesis, model building, induction or deduction, systems thinking?
Anticipate and predict.
Really smart readers try to anticipate the author and predict future ideas and questions. If you're right, this reinforces your understanding. If you're wrong, you make adjustments quicker.
Look for the method of organization.
Is the material organized chronologically, serially, logically, functionally, spatially or hierarchical? See section 10 for more examples on organization.
Create motivation and interest.
Preview material, ask questions, discuss ideas with classmates. The stronger your interest, the greater your comprehension.
Pay attention to supporting cues.
Study pictures, graphs and headings. Read the first and last paragraph in a chapter, or the first sentence in each section.
Highlight, summarize and review.
Just reading a book once is not enough. To develop a deeper understanding, you have to highlight, summarize and review important ideas.
Build a good vocabulary.
For most educated people, this is a lifetime project. The best way to improve your vocabulary is to use a dictionary regularly. You might carry around a pocket dictionary and use it to look up new words. Or, you can keep a list of words to look up at the end of the day. Concentrate on roots, prefixes and endings.
Use a systematic reading technique like SQR3.
Develop a systematic reading style, like the SQR3 method and make adjustments to it, depending on priorities and purpose. The SQR3 steps include Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review.
Monitor effectiveness.
Good readers monitor their attention, concentration and effectiveness. They quickly recognize if they've missed an idea and backup to reread it.
Should You Vocalize Words?
Yes, although it is faster to form words in your mind rather than on your lips or throat. Eye motion is also important. Frequent backtracking slows you down considerably.
Job Quotes
Job Quotes and Sayings
- Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
- The person who knows how……. will always have a job, but the person who knows why….. will be the boss.
- Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
- Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last.
- Our work is the presentation of our capabilities.
- Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work.
- Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.
- The secret of success is doing well the job close at hand.
- It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn’t.
- Do your job and demand your compensation….but in that order.
- Find a job you like and you add five days to every week.
- One important key to success is self confidence. An important key to self confidence is preparation.
- The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.
- Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.
- Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.
- A job done well stays well done forever.
- The only job where you start at the top, is digging a hole.
- Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.
- If you have a job without any aggravations, you don’t have a job.
- No one can help you in holding a good job except Old Man You.
- We’re supposed to be perfect our first day on the job and then show constant improvement.
- Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.
- There is no indispensable man.
- A judge is a student who marks his own exam paper.
- You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.
- We pretend to work because they pretend to pay us.
- Garden: A thing of beauty and a job forever
- Sometimes the fool who rushes in gets the job done.
- My job is never work….the only time it seems like work is when I’d rather be doing something else.
- You hate your job ? Why didn’t you say so ? There’s a support group for that. It’s called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.
- I have never liked working. To me a job is an invasion of privacy.
- There’s no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen.
from CoolNSmart.com
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Money Quotes
“Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend; And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry [economy].” – William Shakespeare
These three articles I found to be particularly interesting. There were other great ones in the bunch, but these three tickled my fancy
- Paul from FiscalGeek presents How to Make Your Own Air Conditioner, and says, “For the MacGyver types out there, make your own Air Conditioner with a cooler, copper tubing, a cooler and an aquarium pump.”
- Dorian Wales from The Personal Financier presents Buy on the Rumor – Sell on the News: Our Psychology at Work, and says, “A counter intuitive rule of thumb explained”
- Matt Jabs from Debt Free Adventure presents The Whole Armor of Personal Finance, and says, “Ephesians 6:10-18 outlines a powerful and encouraging passage of scripture that deals with The Whole Armor of God. In it Paul reminds the reader that the Christian battle is not one of flesh and blood, but of principalities, powers, the rulers of this world, and wickedness in high places.
“A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart.” – Jonathan Swift
- The Incidental Economist presents Budget Tracking and Projections (with Quicken Tricks), and says, “This is the third post in my eight-post series on investment planning. It is about how to use a budget for tracking and projection. It describes how to implement these functions in Quicken.”
- Matt from One Million and Beyond presents The Fluid Budget.
“Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy.” – Groucho Marx
- Free Money Finance presents Five Steps to Branding Yourself and Growing Your Career, and says, “Actively managing your “brand” is one key way of growing your career.”
- Darwin’s Finance presents Top 10 College Degrees in 2009 with Massive Demand , and says, “The Top 10 Highest Paying college degrees for new graduates. There’s an interesting pattern in this year’s hottest degrees since the Wall Street meltdown. “
- Modern Tightwad presents Unemployment Ambivalence.
Credit and Debt
“Creditors have better memories than debtors.” – Benjamin Franklin
- Jeff Rose from Good Financial Cents presents How to Review Your Credit Report, and says, “The thing most people don’t tell you is what you should be looking at when you do review the report, right? Well, today I’m going to help you go through your credit report.”
- J. Money from Budgets Are Sexy presents How The New Credit Card Legislation Affects You., and says, “Exploring the pros and the cons (at least in my opinion) of the new c/c legislation!”
- Funny about Money presents Too Much Debt? Sell Your House and Rent It Back!.
- Squawkfox from Squawkfox presents Credit Card Calculator: Reduce Your Credit Card Debt Faster, and says, “Use the Credit Card Calculator to crunch the numbers and see how paying just the minimum balance will cost you thousands and take you years before ending your debt.”
- Doughroller presents Balance Transfer Smackdown: 0% for 6 Months vs. 3.99% for 12 Months, and says, “Your take: What is the best offer–0% balance transfer for 6 months or 3.99% for 12?”
- Silicon Valley Blogger from The Digerati Life presents What Are The Best Credit Card Rewards Programs?, and says, “Here’s a lengthy evaluation of credit card rewards programs that can be helpful for those looking to pick up a rewards credit card! “
- The Smarter Wallet presents Credit Monitoring Services To Check Your Credit Report
- Ask Mr Credit Card presents LifetimeHabits and Credit Card Abuse.
“The government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” – Ronald Reagan
- The Canadian Finance Blog presents The Recession Is Over! No Wait, It’s Not, and says, “Mixed messages about the recession in Canada could hurt our recovery.”
- Tough Money Love presents The Continued Slow Deflation of the Housing Bubble, and says, “If some experts are correct, baby boomers will keep housing prices down for an extended period.”
“There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?” – Woody Allen
- Jim from Personal Finance presents What is the Average Cost of Car Insurance for a Teenager?.
- Jason from Financial Updates presents 6 Basic Types of Insurance.
- Henry Stern from InsureBlog presents From the Mailbag: Life Insurance Times 2, and says, “Summary: InsureBlog’s Henry Stern answers a reader’s question about whether it’s okay to more than one life insurance policy.”
- Wojciech Kulicki from Fiscal Fizzle presents Pregnant? Consider Insurance and Legal Issues.
“The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.” – Kin Hubbard
- Pinyo from Moolanomy presents Save, Invest and Borrow To Achieve Your Financial Goals, and says, “Overview of step #5 in Moolanomy’s Financial Success Plan. The step looks at various ways to accomplish financial goals — specifically, saving, investing, and borrowing.”
- D4L from Dividends Value presents Are REITs and Utilities Good Dividend Investments?, and says, “Dividend stocks. When you hear those two words what do you think of? Many people think of widows and orphans, along with their stereotypical investment in utility stocks. While others may think of maximizing income by finding the highest yielding stocks available like Real Estate Investment Trusts.”
- Alex from All Things Jim Rogers presents Jim Rogers Continues To Be Bullish On Commodities and China, and says, “he Jim Rogers interview with Bloomberg . According to Jim Rogers, the Chinese stock market has risen too fast and it might “collapse” has it has basically doubled off its lows.”
- Dividend Growth Investor from Dividend Growth Investor presents Reinvest Dividends Selectively , and says, “Reinvested dividends have contributed most all of the stock markets total returns over large periods of time. Some dividend investors automatically reinvest their distributions over time, which leads to compounding of their interest. Others do not re-invest automatically and instead wait for distributions to accumulate before adding onto existing positions or initiating new ones. “
- Bret from BretFrohlich.com presents The Dangers of Derivatives, and says, “Risky derivatives and securities were the primary cause of the Global Fianncial Crisis. Fortunately, there are new laws on the horizon to protect us in the future.”
- The Dividend Guy presents The Best Dividend Stocks In The World, and says, “There are a lot of investment choices out there, how about looking for the best of the best.”
- Alex from All Things Jim Rogers presents Jim Rogers Disciplined Investor Interview July 26 2009.
- Philip Brewer from Wisebread.com presents Optimize Your IRA and 401K.
- Andy from saving to invest presents Use Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) When Unsure About Which Stocks to Buy , and says, “Like many retail investors, last year’s investing experience has made me quite risk averse when it comes to putting all my money in a handful of stocks. However there is an easy and lower risk solution available – Exchange traded funds”
- The Dividend Tree presents IBM’s Successful Transformation, and says, “As a dividend investor, this is what I am looking for; a corporation that is willing to adapt, a corporation that does not want to live in its past, but wants to grow continuously by evolving.”
- TIPBlog.in presents How to Execute Asset Allocatin – A Yale Fund Example, and says, “The fund manager projects upfront what would be expected return and how much volatility is expected. How many of us attempt to project our expected return and volatility in a realistic way? “
- Paul Kamp from Don’t Quit Your Day Job… presents Go Home Already! Congress vs. the Stock Market, and says, “This article details the ‘Congressional Effect’, where many of the gains in the history of the stock market have comes when Congress is not in session. There is also an examination of political risk in general, analyzing two other studies: the outperformance of companies which make campaign contributions in a political cycle, and the benefits of having the Legislative and Executive branches under the control of opposing parties. The article is timely since Congress went on recess yesterday!”
- Banker Saver presents 4 Financial Tips To Weather The Mortgage Crisis.
- Helen from Affine Financial Services presents Comparing asset allocation: Schwab vs. Morningstar vs. Fidelity, and says, “If asset allocation is so gosh darn important, why do Schwab, Fidelity, and Morningstar deal with it so differently? “
- Kevin from No Debt Plan presents How Much Company Stock Should You Hold?, and says, “Should you own any company stock? Not normally, but there are a few exceptions.”
- ElizabethG from Modern Gal presents Investment Advice Among Friends.
- CJ from The Coin Jar presents Two headlines that overpromise and underdeliver.
- Sun from The Sun’s Financial Diary presents Broker Web-Based Trading Platform Comparison.
Money Management
“The art of living easily as to money is to pitch your scale of living one degree below your means.” – Sir Henry Taylor
- ChristianPF presents How to NOT get ripped off when selling your gold, and says, “Apparently there aren’t really any “standard” gold prices. One piece of jewelry was sold for $50 and the same piece was sold to a different place for $5. These are some tips to help you not get ripped off!”
- Joe Plemon from Personal Finance By The Book presents Case Study on Achieving Personal Financial Goals: Alline Davenport, and says, “This series on case studies will walk our readers through the process of discovering the short term and long term goals of my clients, formulating a plan to achieve those ends and then holding the client accountable to actually carry out the plan and thus accomplish the goals.”
- Paul from Provident Planning presents What Is God’s Provident Plan for a Christian’s Personal Finances?, and says, “God’s Provident Plan is His desire for each Christian’s personal finances – and it’s not a plan focused on making Christians rich, or how we can retire early, or the things we can do to make us feel good about ourselves and our money.”
- Peter from Bible Money Matters presents Training A Child About Money Online, and says, “Our society is becoming more and more ignorant of the basics of personal finance every year. It is up to parents to educate their children, and here are some resources to help them.”
- Deposit Accounts from Deposit Accounts presents Should You Take a 401(k) Loan?.
- Matt B from Financial Methods presents 11 Relatively Unconventional Ways to Make Extra Cash, and says, “These may not be the first thing that come to mind when needing extra money, but they work.”
- Studenomics presents College Scholarships- Is There Free Money For College Students?, and says, “A look at the interesting topic of free money in the form of scholarships and what you can do to improve your odds of getting free money this September.”
- Eden from Finance and Fat presents You Just Realized You’re Spending More Than You Earn: 4 Things To Do Today
- Banker Saver from Banker, Saver presents 4 Financial Tips To Weather The Mortgage Crisis
- Single Guy Money presents Carfax Reports May Not Reveal All Damage.
- Ray from Financial Highway presents The Power of Small:To Achieve Big Goals, Think Small, and says, “Take small financial steps to reach big financial goals.”
- Simon from Realm of Prosperity presents Prepare Yourself With My Lost Wallet Protocol.
- Mr. GoTo from Go To Retirement presents Maximizing Social Security Benefits, and says, “If you are over 40, it’s not to soon to plan ahead for maximizing benefits from Social Security.”
Real Estate
“Our houses are such unwieldy property that we are often imprisoned rather than housed in them.” – Henry David Thoreau
- Dan green from The Mortgage Reports presents How To Accept A Home Downpayment Gift From Family That Won’t Get Rejected In Underwriting, and says, “You’re you accepting a gift of cash to buy your next home, you need to know that there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. You can’t just deposit your parents’ money into a bank account.”
“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery.” – Charles Dickens
- Michael B. Rubin from Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck presents Do Debit Cards Separate You From Your Money Emotionally?, and says, “Do the perils of a credit card apply to it partner in plastic, the debit card?”
- MoneyNing presents How to Determine Whether an Alternative is Good Enough, and says, “Sometimes, an original is good enough but not always. Here’s how you can think about it.”
- PT Money from Prime Time Money presents Cash for Clunkers Program May Get More Funds – But is the Program Good for Consumers?
- Curt from PennyJobs.com presents Don’t Take The Bait: Why You Shouldn’t Trade In Your Car For $4,500 On a New One.
- David R. Lampsen from Personal Finance Analyst presents Seven Simple Ways to Save on Medical Expenses.
“He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.” – Benjamin Franklin
- Tim from Talk with Tim presents WiseBread Author Will Chen Shares Practical Personal Finance Tips, and says, “Will Chen from WiseBread was kind enough to chat with me about personal finance and their new book 10,001 Ways to Live Large on a Small Budget. “
- Tom Fisher from The FFS Blog presents Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Before You Retire?.
- Ryan Irvine from The Elements of Lifestyle presents Crapitalism:It Pays to Have Discriminating Tastes, and says, “The small, passionate minority of consumers who really care about a product end up paying less for it. For proof, look no further than Starbucks or your office copy room.”
- Madame X from My Open Wallet presents Helping Out in a Health Crisis, and says, “Sometimes financial help from friends and family is about more than just money. “
- Miss M from M is for Money presents Cash as a Wedding Gift – Tacky or No?.
- JS from Smart Money Daily presents What To Do If You’re Fired, and says, “When you are terminated from a job, your first thought is probably “what do I do now?” and the answer to that question is to get out there and start looking for a better job.”
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